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Loonie #01 - Sean (aka 'Mad Seamus')


Sean is no stranger to tinkering with old rusty vehicles as his garage will testify to, but this will be the first time a three-wheeler has been under his control. His navigational skills are legendary and he has banned the use of a GPS in the Challenge. After all, getting lost is the best way to discover a place, right ?


Road-trip experiences include a spin from Toronto to Vancouver; his 4x4 Toyota Hilux while working across Uganda in the name of world peace and social development and a money-pit MGB that he seems just as attached to as the rust that clings to it's chassis. Sean expects the arrival of his support team -  in the form of Frances and Helen - mid-way through the Challenge to relieve the daily pressure and stress of trying to understand what the heck Dave is taking about through his abuse of the English language. 



First Car : MGB GT     Life Defining Moment : Volunteerig for 2 years in Uganda      

Favourite Phrase : No idea, I left before it happened.....honest!

Loonie #02 -Dave (aka 'Chinese Dave')


Dave is a long-time fan of travel and adventure, and rarely goes on a holiday to just one place - moving around in some form of transport is always an essential part of the experience. Previous adventures include driving USA coast-coast, dodging unscrupulous Nicaraguan coppers, driving through the Tian Shan Mountains (not legally) and having various scrapes on scooters in Asian locales ranging from Beijing to remote islands in Indonesia. Seeing large parts of Sri Lanka in a tuk-tuk will be another adventure crossed off the list. That said, with a hefty co-driver to counterbalance and good map reading skills, he expects to spend a large part of this journey in the back seat rather than the front. Is looking forward to seeing new places, cooling down with a beer at the end of each day, and the arrival of the support crew (family) part way through the journey.


First Car : Hillman Imp       Life Defining Moment : Moving to Beijing Feb 2006      

Favourite Phrase : One more pint, ach, go on then.....

Loonie #03 - Alicia (aka 'Frozen Princess')


Alicia is a true girly girl, fond of all things pink, fluffy, princessy and cute. Listed as No. 1 reserve driver but likely to get too scared to do it in the event of a crisis. Very excited about seeing new things in Sri Lanka and then ask 20 related questions and draw umpteen pictures of what she saw. Likely to cuddle elephants but run away from a crab smaller than your finger-nail. Becoming very much a real-life Dora the Explorer, Sri Lanka will be her 16th country - good going at 4 and a half.


First Car : Princess Elsa Sled          Life Defining Moment : Watching Frozen for the first time        

Favourite Phrase :  Baba, why....... ? 

Loonie #04 - Rory (aka 'Mr Clean')


A young man not to be tangled with (mainly due to his Chinese genes). Listed as No. 2 reserve driver but highly likely to fight his way up to No. 1 through a combination of repeated cries of "My Turn, My Turn", pulling his sister's hair and an incredible ability to escape the eyes of watchful adults. Scared of nothing apart from waves and life-size dinosaurs, expect to see him donning costume and riding shotgun as the race develops.


First Car : Princess Elsa Sled (stolen)          Life Defining Moment : Wearing his Auntie's Bikini         Favourite Phrase : My Turn, My Turn

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